Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bastille Day

I missed posting about Bastille Day yesterday (possibly if you're reading from the U.S. it's still your today), but my original intention was to be in Paris yesterday with my brother, celebrating Bastille Day together on July 14, 2014. This will have to go in the life column of "no time for regrets."

My brother and I originally talked about going to Europe over a year ago and I basically promised him that it was going to happen. I still feel bad about breaking that promise. I know that it's at least possible that had I saved more money, been more careful, planned better, I might have been able to afford at least a short trip this summer. It wouldn't have necessarily been the best idea between trying to pay off student loan debt and attending an (albeit inexpensive) grad program in Teaching English as a Second Language, but I still do regret it. My whole life my brother has been one of my closest friends, and in not being there with him this summer, I feel like I've let him down.

I'm sure he's not too sad, though, since he is there on a honeymoon now with his new wife, who is from Portugal. Strangely, when my brother and I had our initial conversation about going to Europe, it was just going to be the two of us. Marrying a European wasn't even in the equation at the time. It seems, then, like it was my brother's fate to end up there this summer, traveling around and now also meeting his wife's family. I hope he will have a wonderful time. I only wish I was there to enjoy some of it with him.

I've sort of strayed from my original topic of Bastille Day, but this is what's more on my mind, I guess - regrets - and hope that I can do better this year, so that next year will see a happier Bastille Day post.

With that said, here's a very short article about France's Bastille Day traditions. More inspiration to help me on my way, and maybe you on yours.


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